Announcement of the 2013-2014 Annual Report

August 20, 2014 — Ottawa, ON — Office of the CSE Commissioner

Today, the Annual Report of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner, the Honourable Jean-Pierre Plouffe, C.D., was tabled in Parliament.

The Commissioner provides independent external review of Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) operational activities to determine whether they complied with the law and protected the privacy of Canadians. Mr. Plouffe is a retired judge of the Superior Court of Quebec and the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and has all the powers of the Inquiries Act.

The Commissioner stated: “I am making public as much information as possible about my investigations, to be as transparent as legally and reasonably possible.” He added: “I have encouraged CSEC to be more forthcoming in what it communicates to the public.”

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J. William Galbraith
Executive Director, Office of the CSE Commissioner
(613) 992-3044

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